Friday, June 7, 2013

Ugh and double ugh!

Ugh and double ugh! This week has been horrible. Saturday I drove about 45 minutes to a YMCA that's situated on a lakefront and has open water swims. I swam almost 1600 yards in about 50 minutes, and it was sooo much fun. I had to rush home to get to my daughter's softball game, the last one of the season. Then I had to run her over an hour away to a park for a church youth cookout. I was supposed to also do a brick workout - bike 45 minutes and run 20. Got home and got busy and didn't get that brick workout done.

Sunday, I really wanted to get up early and run 75 minutes before church, but laziness took over and I opted to sleep in. After church, had lunch with the Davises and went swimming at their house, ran home to take the kids back to church, then back to the Davises for dinner. Home after 9pm. Ugh, oh well...

Monday I don't even remember what happened, except that I worked from home and got NO work done and went to Allison's softball tournament game (we won!). No workout again. Tuesday - worked from my office, rushed home to go to 2nd softball tournament game. This is where it gets really fun - Allison slid into 2nd base and broke her ankle. Wednesday was spent at the orthopedic office and waiting on her. Thursday I was supposed to shadow on Peds since my 3rd job (prn clinical instructor) starts next week, but I opted to stay home with Allison. Thursday night she started having increased pain, burning, tingling, and decreased movement in her toes. Called the oncall and split her dressing, which relieved the pressure, but also meant that we had to back to the doctor today to get her splint reapplied.

Bottom line: I haven't worked out in a week! UGH! I'm behind on work for my full-time academic job - just on writing reports and revising syllabi - nothing I can't get done this summer but still...I'd like to get ahead and work on manuscripts. OH I did forget that I did submit a co-authored manuscript for review! Whew - 1 down, about 4-5 to go :) I did keep my nutrition pretty much on point this week, so that's good. So far my weight has fluctuated this week per my normal - within a pound, so that's good too :)

I'm behind on my 2nd adjunct online job - currently have 13 papers left to grade from last week, but now also have 38 discussion boards and 38 more papers to grade. And my 3rd job starts next Thursday. Ugh.

My 10K is June 22 - like 2 weeks from tomorrow. At this point, I may be doing a lot of walking, but I'm really going to shoot for 10 minutes of running and 1-1.5 min of walking. I'm really hoping tomorrow to get back into my training routine. Scott is off next week, so he can help with Allison and Carson and the household chores. Hopefully I can get back on track grading for my online job and get that caught up and get those workouts in!

I hope that you have had a better week than I have - work, nutrition, workouts, etc.


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